I am Gordon Buttars, an independent author with more than a dozen self-published books. My stories are not nonstop action-packed thrillers with larger-than-life-characters. The characters I have created are everyday people who face good times as well as the challenges, setbacks, and tragedies of life we all encounter, and many of the scenes are drawn from my own life experiences.

I grew up on a farm south of Burley, Idaho. After attending one year at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho, I served a mission in the Colorado Denver Mission for two years. I returned home to the farm and married my wife Bonnie. We have three children and two grandsons.

I farmed for five years before moving to Rexburg where I became a computer programmer and worked for nearly twenty years. In 2004 I developed a tremor disorder that greatly affected and limited my abilities so to occupy my time, I took up writing.

My forte is historical fiction with an element of romance. My writing is free of foul language and contains only discreet marital encounters. The times and settings are well researched to ensure that they are correctly represented. Flyboy is a ten-volume series spanning the twentieth century with settings around the world. Beneath Gunsight is a trilogy set in Cache Valley, Utah, during the late 1800s. FROSTY: Farmboy to Sailor takes place during the first half of the 1940s; it is set in Idaho and the Pacific Theater of World War II. The exception is Worlds Without End: A Tale of Forgiveness and Healing which is set in another world in a time reminiscent of the 1960s and ‘70s, but it is not science fiction.

My stories are written from a Latter-day Saint perspective, although the main characters in Flyboy are initially devout Methodists. Christian readers will appreciate the faith in Jesus Christ the characters in my stories exercise in overcoming the obstacles they face.

Writing is a gift God has given me at this stage of my life and my desire is to share this gift. I hope you will find my stories interesting, enlightening, entertaining and uplifting.

My journey of faith and how God has had His hand in my life and given me the gift of writing is featured in a podcast interview found at

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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars gordon@buttars.me