
Beneath Gunsight is the story of Henry Gover, his second chance at life and the family he never would have had. Growing up in the harsh frontier conditions of the 1870s in Cache Valley, Utah as a struggling teenager Henry loses his way and nearly his life. With a new lease on life he settles down to raise a family.
No longer shaped by the difficulties of the 1870s, the 1880s have their own setbacks and miracles: a change of occupation, a debilitating illness, persecution and being separated from his family.
The 1890s have their own challenges when Henry is called to leave his successful farming operation and his family to serve a mission in England, a sacrifice that is not without its blessings.
The Twentieth Century brings innovations and progress along with new opportunities to serve and joy and sorrow as the rising generation comes of age.
If you enjoyed “Muddy” and “River” by Dean Hughes, you will want to read Beneath Gunsight: A Historical Novel Series. So harness the horses, hitch up the carriage and come along for the ride beneath Gunsight Peak.
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Beneath Gunsight The 1870s

In the spring of 1870 Henry Gover, a lad of twelve, moved with his family from the Salt Lake Valley to Clarkston, a new community home to a handful of hearty Mormon pioneers.
Henry loses his way during his teenage years, not appreciating the sacrifice his parents made to join the Church and leave England to settle in the Territory of Utah.
As a result of his reckless behavior Henry should have been died, yet he lived. His brush with death, the teachings of his parents, and an encounter with Martin Harris cause him to turn his life around.
With a new lease on life, Henry starts a successful freight business. When at the age of twenty he asks for the hand of pretty Martha Goodey, who once hated him with a passion, Henry gets more than he bargained for.
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Paperback $15.49
Hardcover $22.49 |
Beneath Gunsight The 1880s

Now that the railroad moved goods and people between Cache Valley and Salt Lake City, the territory and the east long-haul teamsters now competed for the short hauls, cutting into Henry’s business. Feeling the squeeze he turns to farming to support himself, his wives Mary and Martha, and their children.
Mary seeks relief from the effects of multiple sclerosis while Martha, who is barren, prays for a miracle. Will Mary find relief? Will Martha have her miracle?
Having two wives, Henry is the target of the relentless US marshals in their hunt to bring “cohabs” to justice and he goes into hiding. Getting word of Mary’s worsening condition, should he risk getting caught by going to her? He had gotten away with it once, could he do it again? Is it worth going to prison for?
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Ebook $4.95
Paperback $15.49
Hardcover $22.49 |
Beneath Gunsight The 1890s

The 1890s begin with Henry moving his family into their new home, but the future of the Church is in doubt until the Saints in the Territory of Utah are freed from oppression when the Manifesto brings an end to the practice of plural marriage.
The Gover family is faced with a new challenge when Henry is called to leave his successful farming operation and his family to serve a mission in England where he faces opposition and success in preaching the gospel.
When he returns home Henry resumes running his farm and ranch and expands his operation. He receives calls to serve in the Church and through an unexpected circumstance Henry has a role in Utah's bid for statehood.
On the eve of the new new century Henry and Martha's family expands in an unexpected manner.
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Ebook $4.95
Paperback $15.49
Hardcover $23.49 |
Beneath Gunsight The 1900s

The dawn of the Twentieth Century is a marvelous time for the Govers with the introduction of telephones, indoor running water, electricity, automobiles, and radio. How will these innovations and progress affect their lives? What opportunities to serve will come their way?
The peace and prosperity of the 1890s continues into the new century, but how does the war in Europe, a global pandemic, and the Great Depression impact the family?
The rising generation bring joy and sorrow as they come of age: the addition of grandchildren and great grandchildren; losing loved ones to death or to the ways of the world. Will the prodigals return?
As the decades accumulate, how does aging affect Henry and Martha? What does it mean for the family when the Depression finally ends but is replaced by the possibility of another world war?
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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars gordon@buttars.me