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Farmboy to Sailor
A Historical Novel
Also availble at audible.com
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  Based on the life of Myron Frost, one of the “Greatest Generation,” Frosty is the story of a young man growing up in Burley, Idaho, during the early 1940s. Raised in a loving home, his parents teach him the value of hard work, integrity, and faith in God—values fortified by his teachers in the Unity Ward and seminary, his friends and the young ladies he associates with.

Challenged by learning difficulties, Myron hates school and struggles with self-confidence. Will he drop out or learn to compensate?

Forfeiting his deferment, he enlists in the Navy to do his part in the war. In the face of opposition from his shipmates and the Devil himself, will he defend his beliefs and stand up for his principles? When his ship sails off to war, will it cost him his life?

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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars gordon@buttars.me