The Elevator

(October 16, 2024)


 “Good morning Gregg,” I greeted as he stepped onto the elevator. I had hoped to delay seeing him until later in the morning, “Good Morning,” he returned enthusiastically.

That made it all the more difficult for me. I hated what I was going to do to him, but it wasn't my call. Gregg was the best person on the Account Management development team. His programming skills were second to none, always getting the job done and done right. “So,” Gregg asked, “How are Susan and the kids?”

That was a diversion from my thoughts for a moment while I answered. Gregg continued, “I’m excited to roll out the new module today. The team and I were here until 8:30 wrapping up the last minute fixes.” Gregg was too good. How can I let him go, but he had no degree, and had learned programming all on his own, and was a natural. His logic out did Spock. But the new directive from HR said anyone without the minimum of a Bachelors degree had to go,

The elevator seemed to take forever to reach the third floor. His pleasant small talk made it all the worse.

Finally the door opened. “Well I better get to work.”

“Listen Gregg, I need to see you in my office first.”

“Sure, What’s up?”

I couldn’t answer him out in the open. The long, short walk to my office gave me time to think. Perhaps there was an alternative, but what? Seated across my desk him from, I had nothing. “I’m sorry Gregg, but . . .”

As it turned out, I did Gregg a favor.

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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars