The Essay

(April 4, 2024)


 This essay is so hard! I don’t know the first thing about Ernest Hemming way. I couldn’t even get past the first few pages of The Old Man and the Sea, it was so dull! So what am i supposed to write.

So here I sit, staring a blank sheet of loose leaf paper, fountain pen in hand. What to write?

Gee, it’s so nice outside. That’s where I want to be. Any place is better than being in Mrs. Holyoak’s freshman literature class, and right after lunch.

The Old Man and the Sea, huh. I wish I was sitting on the sea shore gazing out into its vastness. If only I could get there. Then maybe I’d understand what the old man found so fascinating.

Doodling, I draw an airplane wishing I could fly away.

Why not? Fold the paper in half length ways, fold the corners down and vwa-lah! I have an airplane! Now if only I could get in and fly away. Reality drifted into day dreaming, something that comes quite natural for me.

The view is incredible from up here. The sea is coming into view below. Why don’t I just keep going, I could skip algebra too, “Alright class. Time is up. Hand your papers to the front.”

Rather than pass mine forward, I send it via air mail. Now I have an hour of detention after school. My dad ain't going to like that!

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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars