The Lantern

(June 14, 2023)


Julie Lochridge

 The faint glow of the lantern told Margaret that he was right on time. How convenient that the mist hid their meeting from the prying eyes of her father. He loathed Willie, the lowly stable boy.

"That good for nothing will only bring you heartache," He had said. "You're too good for him. Why can't you just marry Charles Wentworth like you're supposed to."

"But father," Margaret had protested, "I don't love Charles. I love Willie."

"Love? Bah! Love can't buy you the things Charles can."

"I don't want things, Father. I want to be happy."

"Suit yourself Margaret, but if you run off with Willie, you are no longer my daughter." With that treat ringing in her ears, Margaret waited as Willie drew near, her young heart pounding within her breast.

Setting her lantern down she opened her longing arms. Two heartbeats later she was encircled by his strong arms, his warm lips pressed against her soft, tender mouth, tasting sweeter than honey.

"You can't stay," she warned. "Father may see us. Meet me at the docs tomorrow at ten minutes to ten. I'll have my bags ready and we can leave all this behind and sail off to America and make a new life for ourselves."

"I'll be there," Willie promised.One more passionate kiss and he disappeared back into the mist./font>

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