The Nightmare

(January 15, 2025)


 What a nightmare!

Stumbling out of bed Hank got his bearings while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Reeling form the dream, he looked over at Sarah.

Gasping, he saw her lifeless body dripping with blood. The vividness of the dream came back like a slap in the face. “Was it real? Did I really do that? I couldn't have!”

Looking at the back of his hands, fur still covered them. Biting his lip a still protruding fang dug deep.

“Sarah!” He cried. “What have I done?”

Sitting up in bed, Sarah said, “Why darling, you have set me free. Free to do to you what you did to me.”

Terror gripped Hank’s heart as the shell that had been his wife lunged at him, her fangs digging deep into his throat, drinking in his blood. Hank collapsed back onto the bed, eyes wide open seeing nothing.

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Contact: Gordon G. Buttars