THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, DECEMBER 13, 1917. A BLESSING GIVEN BY HYRUM G. SMITH, PATRIARCH, UPON THE HEAD OF IRA L. FROST, Son of Chauncey Frost and Lonevie Warner Frost, Born September 11, 1891 at Coyote, Garfield County, Utah BROTHER IRA L. FROST: According to thy desire and by virtue of my office and calling in the Holy Priesthood I place my hands upon thy head, and as the Spirit of the Lord shall' direct me give unto thee a Patriarchal Blessing which will be a comfort and guide unto thee throughout this life according to thy faithfulness. Thou art of the lineage of Ephraim, numbered among the chosen sons of Zion in these the last days, and if thou wilt hold sacred thy birthright, and honor the teachings of thy youth, thou shalt be permitted to live and finish thy mission here upon the earth, and enjoy the fruits of thy labors It will also be thy privilege through faithfulness to be advanced in the Holy Priesthood, and be permitted to go forth in defense of truth and righteousness, as well as in defense of liberty and freedom. And if thou wilt acknowledge the hand of the Lord in thy blessings and be humble and prayerful thou shalt be given power to overcome every weakness and to resist temptations of evil, and to rise above difficulties, trials, and to accomplish thy righteous desires. It will also be thy privilege through faithfulness to receive thy blessings in the House of the Lord and in due time be crowned among the honored fathers in the House of Israel. Therefore, I say unto thee, guard well thy habits, honor thy birthright, and acknowledge the hand of the Lord in thy blessings in His preserving and protecting care. Learn also to follow the whisperings of that Still Small Voice, which is the voice of thy guardian angel, through which thy duties will be made plain, thy pathway marked out, and dangers pointed out in the future so that thou shalt be enabled to avoid them, to overcome the designs of the adversary in his attempts to thwart thy mission, and to place barriers and obstacles in thy pathway. Keep thyself free from the sins and habits of the world, and the Lord will bless thee with health and with strength, and give thee the exercise of such gifts as will bring joy and comfort into thy life. Take advantage of thy opportunities to secure a goodly education; learn also to cultivate thy gifts, and when responsibility comes to thee shrink not from duty, but keep thy trust in the Lord and His blessings will make thee equal to thy labors, wherever thy lot may be cast, "and if thou go humbly and prayerfully in the discharge of duty, thou shalt be enabled to accomplish good in the earth, and even to face danger in the protection of the blessings of the Lord. Be constantly upon thy guard concerning thy testimonies; defend the truth, defend virtue and honor at all times, and the blessings of the Lord will be round and about thee to preserve and protect thee and to assist thee in performing thy duties. This blessing with all that thou art heir to through thy birth and faithfulness I seal upon thy head. And I seal thee up against the power of the destroyer to come forth in the resurrection of the just with thy kindred and loved ones, by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.